From a small team of 5 people in 1990, ICON now employs over 41,150 people across 95 locations in 45 countries.
Our mission is to help clients accelerate the development of drugs and devices that save lives and improve quality of life.
ICON is the world’s leading Clinical Research Organisation, powered by healthcare intelligence.
ICON & You: The potential of together
Exciting and rewarding careers that improve the lives of patients. Be part of shaping the future of Clinical Research. From a small team of 5 people in 1990, ICON now employs over 42,250 people across 100+ locations in 50 countries. Our mission is to help clients accelerate the development of drugs and devices that save lives and improve quality of life. ICON is the world’s leading Clinical Research Organisation, powered by healthcare intelligence.
- Asia Pacific
- Afghanistan
- American Samoa
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- Adelaide
- Brisbane
- Melbourne
- Perth
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- Bangladesh
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- British Indian Ocean Territory
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- Changsha
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- Dalian
- Fuzhou
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- Hefei
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- ShenYang
- Shenzhen
- Tianjin
- Urumuqi
- Wuhan
- Xi'an
- Xuzhou
- Zhengzhou
- Zhuhai
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- Cocos (Keeling) Islands
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- Heard Island and McDonald Islands
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- Hong Kong
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- Bengaluru
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- Indonesia
- Jakarta
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- Korea
- Seoul
- Kuwait
- Kuwait City
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- Kuala Lumpur
- Malaysia
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- Maldives
- Marshall Islands
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- Myanmar
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- Auckland
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- Niue
- Norfolk Island
- North Korea
- Northern Mariana Islands
- Oman
- Papua New Guinea
- Philippines
- Manila
- Philippines
- Pitcairn
- Qatar
- Samoa
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- Singapore
- Solomon Islands
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- Taipei
- Thailand
- Bangkok
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- Ho Chi Minh City
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- Yemen
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- Belgium
- Brussels
- Diegium
- Leuven
- Mechelen
- Benin
- Bosnia
- Sarajevo
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Botswana
- Bouvet Island
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- Sofia
- Burkina Faso
- Burundi
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- Cape Verde
- Central African Republic
- Chad
- Comoros
- Congo
- Cote d'Ivoire
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- Zagreb
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Prague
- Denmark
- Copenhagen
- Faeroe Islands
- Djibouti
- Egypt
- Alexandria
- Equatorial Guinea
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- Estonia
- Tallinn
- Ethiopia
- Finland
- Ã…land Islands
- Helsinki
- France
- Lyon
- Nanterre
- Paris
- Réunion
- Strasbourg
- French Southern Territories
- Gabon
- Gambia
- Georgia
- Tbilisi
- Germany
- Berlin
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- Frankfurt
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- Munich
- Nuremberg
- Ghana
- Accra
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- Athens
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- Guinea-Bissau
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- Israel
- Hod Hasharon
- Petah Tikva
- Shefayim
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- Holy See
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- Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
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- Mali
- Malta
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- Mayotte
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- Morocco
- Rabat
- Mozambique
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- Amsterdam
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- Niger
- Nigeria
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- Oslo
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- Islamabad
- Palestinian Territory
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- Gdansk
- Warsaw
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- Lisbon
- Republic of Moldova
- Romania
- Bucharest
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- Moscow
- Novosibirsk
- St Petersburg
- Rwanda
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- Sao Tome And Principe
- Saudi Arabia
- Riyadh
- Senegal
- Serbia
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- Somalia
- South Africa
- Johannesburg
- Middelburg
- Spain
- Barcelona
- Madrid
- Sudan
- Svalbard and Jan Mayen
- Swaziland
- Sweden
- Lund
- Stockholm
- Switzerland
- Basel
- Zurich
- Syrian Arab Republic
- Tajikistan
- Tanzania
- Togo
- Tunisia
- Tunis
- Turkey
- Ankara
- Istanbul
- Uganda
- UK
- Belfast
- Cambridgeshire
- Coventry
- Eastleigh
- Edinburgh
- High Wycombe
- Livingston
- London
- Maidenhead
- Manchester
- Marlow
- Milton
- Milton Park
- Northhamptonshire
- Oxford
- Petworth
- Reading
- Southampton
- Stevenage
- Swansea
- Warwickshire
- Yorkshire
- Ukraine
- Kiev
- United Arab Emirates
- Abu Dhabi
- Western Sahara
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe
- Latin America
- Anguilla
- Antarctica
- Argentina
- Buenos Aires
- Santa Fe
- Belize
- Bolivia
- Brazil
- Rio de Janeiro
- Sao Paulo
- Chile
- Las Condes
- Santiago
- Colombia
- Bogota
- Costa Rica
- Costa Rica
- San José
- Ecuador
- El Salvador
- Falkland Islands
- French Guiana
- Guatemala
- Guatemala City
- Guyana
- Honduras
- Mexico
- Benito Juarez
- Mexico City
- Santa Fe
- Multiple Latin American Locations
- Panama
- Panama City
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Lima
- South Georgia/Sandwich Islands
- Suriname
- Trinidad And Tobago
- Uruguay
- Venezuela
- North America
- Antigua And Barbuda
- Aruba
- Bahamas
- Barbados
- Bermuda
- Canada
- Alberta
- Calgary
- Edmonton
- British Columbia
- Burlington
- Dundas
- Manitoba
- Montreal
- Multiple Canadian Locations
- New Brunswick
- Fredericton
- Newfoundland
- Northwest Territories
- Nova Scotia
- Halifax
- Nunavut
- Ontario
- Ottawa
- Prince Edward Island
- CharlotteCharlottetown
- Quebec
- Montreal
- Saint-Pierre and Miquelon
- Saskatchewan
- Regina
- Saskatoon
- St. John's
- Toronto
- Vancouver
- Victoria
- Whitehorse
- Winnipeg
- Yellowknife
- Yukon
- Cayman Islands
- Cuba
- Dominica
- Dominican Republic
- Greenland
- Grenada
- Guadeloupe
- Guam
- Haiti
- Jamaica
- Martinique
- Micronesia
- Palau
- Montserrat
- Nicaragua
- Saint Kitts And Nevis
- United States
- Alabama
- Birmingham
- Flagstaff
- Huntsville
- Jackson
- Montgomery
- Alaska
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- Flagstaff
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- Tuscon
- Arkansas
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- California
- Folsom
- Foster City
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- San Ramon
- Santa Ana
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- Hartford
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- Florida
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- Fort Myers
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- Tampa
- Georgia
- Atlanta
- Augusta
- Johns Creek
- Gilette
- Hawaii
- Honolulu
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- Illinois
- Champaign
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- Deerfield
- Downers Grove
- Lake Forest
- Indianapolis
- Iowa
- Cedar Rapids
- Des Moines
- McFarland
- Kansas
- Lenexa
- Overland Park
- Wichita
- Kansas City
- Kentucky
- Lexington
- Louisville
- Las Vegas
- Louisiana
- Baton Rouge
- Maine
- Portland
- Maryland
- Baltimore
- Bethesda
- Gaithenburg
- Salisbury
- Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
- Massachusetts
- Boston
- Massachusetts
- Salem
- Warwick
- Worcester
- Michigan
- Detroit
- Grand Rapids
- Milwaukee
- Minnesota
- Minneapolis
- Saint Paul
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Billings
- Kansas City (MO)
- St. Louis
- Montana
- Missoula
- Multiple US Locations
- Nebraska
- Anchorage
- Lincoln
- Middelburg
- Omaha
- Nevada
- Reno
- New Hampshire
- Nashua
- New Jersey
- Jersey City
- Morristown
- Newark
- New Mexico
- Albuquerque
- Santa Fe
- New Orleans
- New York
- Akron
- Buffalo
- Farmingdale
- Garden City
- New York
- New York City
- Rochester
- Whitesboro
- North Carolina
- Cary
- Charlotte
- Durham
- Fayetteville
- Henderson
- Hickory
- Piedmont
- Raleigh
- Rocky Mount
- Salisbury
- Wilmington
- Winston-Salem
- North Dakota
- Fargo
- Ohio
- Akron
- Cincinnati
- Cleveland
- Columbus
- Oklahoma
- Oklahoma City
- Tulsa
- Oregon
- Oregon
- Portland
- Pennsylvania
- Allentown
- Blue Bell
- Chadds Ford
- Conshohocken
- Hanover
- Horsham
- North Wales
- Philadelphia
- Pittsburgh
- Warrington
- West Chester
- West Point
- Yardley
- Puerto Rico
- San Jose
- San Juan
- Rhode Island
- Providence
- Saint Lucia
- Saint Vincent
- Salt Lake City
- Seattle
- South Carolina
- Charleston
- Columbia
- Jackson
- Mt. Pleasant
- South Dakota
- Sioux Falls
- Spokane
- Tennessee
- Brentwood
- Bristol
- Knoxville
- Memphis
- Nashville (TN)
- Texas
- Austin
- Dallas
- Fort Worth
- Houston
- Irvine
- San Antonio
- San Antonio ICR
- San Antonio IDS
- Sugar Land
- Turks And Caicos Islands
- United States Minor Outlying Islands
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virgin Islands (British)
- Virgin Islands (U.S.)
- Virginia
- Bristol
- Charlottesville
- Norfolk
- Richmond
- Virginia Beach
- Washington
- Tacoma
- Washington, DC
- West Virginia
- Charleston
- Wisconsin
- Madison
- Wyoming
- Cheyenne
- Jackson Hole
- Business Development
- Proposals
- Sales
- Clinical Data Management
- Biometrics Portfolio
- Clinical Data Operations Management
- Clinical Data Scientist Lead
- Clinical Systems
- Data Standards Consultant
- Clinical Operations
- Clinical Monitoring
- Clinical Operations Management
- Clinical Trial Management
- Clinical Trial Support
- Document Management
- Clinical Research In-Home Services
- Clinical Research Site Services
- Nursing
- Commercialization and Outcomes
- Language Services
- Late Phase Clinical Operations
- Mapi Research Trust
- Market Access
- Medical Communications
- Contracts Administration
- Corporate Support
- Accounting & Finance
- Communications
- Facilities & Administratives Services
- Human Resources
- Information Technology
- Legal
- Marketing & Media
- Procurement
- Resourcing
- Talent Acquisition
- Data Science
- Data Analytics
- Decentralized Clinical Trials
- Drug Development
- Early Careers
- Graduate Data Science
- Graduates Clinical (Graduates CRA)
- Graduates Other
- Intern
- Early Phase Services
- Bioanalytics
- Clinic
- Data Operations
- Laboratory
- Nurse
- Pharmacokenetics
- Pharmacy
- Program Management
- Scientist
- Information Technology
- Analyst
- Engineering
- IT Management
- Network and Infrastructure
- Product Development
- Technical and Desktop Support
- Technical Project Management
- Laboratory
- Laboratory Operations Management
- Laboratory Support
- Project Management
- Research and Development
- Logistics & Supplies
- Clinical Supplies
- Import & Export
- Medical & Scientific Affairs
- Clinical Trial Liasion
- Medical Data Review
- Medical Director
- Medical Monitoring
- Medical Imaging
- Medical Writing
- Other
- Patient Recruitment
- Pharmacovigilance & Patient Safety
- Drug Safety
- Physician
- Safety Scientist
- Programming
- Clinical Programming
- Project Management
- Clinical Project Management
- Non-Clinical Project Management
- Project/ Program Management
- Quality Assurance
- Clinical Quality Assurance
- Quality Assurance Laboratory
- Quality Management Operations
- Quality Systems Assurance
- Regulatory Affairs
- Drug / Device Regulatory Affairs
- Regulatory Document Management
- Senior Leadership
- Statistics
- Biostatistician
- Study Start Up
- Feasibility
- Site Activation
- Site Contracts
- Symphony Health Solutions
- Consulting
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Meaningful Work
Meaningful Work
ICON is an award-winning workplace that enables you to make a difference to patients’ lives by being part of a world-class clinical research organisation that helps deliver new medicines & medical devices that are benefitting patients worldwide.
Rewards &
Rewards & Benefits
We offer competitive total rewards packages that are designed with your health, wealth and wellbeing in mind. Fair and equitable pay is core to our reward ethos, and we celebrate and reward high performance. Our benefits are focused on wellbeing and work-life balance for you and your family.
Career Advancement
Our success depends on the knowledge, capabilities and calibre of our people. That’s why we are committed to developing a continuous learning culture – one where we challenge you with engaging work and where every experience adds to your professional development.
Vibrant Culture
Our global team of over 40,000 is united in purpose and diverse in perspective, working together in an inclusive environment to help solve some of the world’s most complex healthcare challenges. We value integrity, inclusion, collaboration and agility, which together form our ‘Own it’ culture that fosters innovative ideas and a vibrant workplace.
Inside ICON: Blogs
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Data Visualisation in Clinical Research: Illuminating Insights Through Innovation In the dynamic world of clinical research, data is the cornerstone of progress. With the exponential growth in dat
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The Role of a Principal Investigator in Clinical Research Clinical trials are the backbone of medical advancements, and at the heart of every successful trial is the Principal Investigator (PI). Th
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The field of clinical research is undergoing a seismic shift, driven by rapid technological advancements. From artificial intelligence to blockchain, these innovations are not only transforming how cl
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As a Clinical Research Associate you will be joining the world’s largest & most comprehensive clinical research organisation, powered by healthcare intelligence.
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Monica HawkinsAuthor
Monica HawkinsImpactful work. Meaningful careers. Quality rewards.
At ICON, our employees are our greatest strength. That’s why we are committed to empowering you to live your best life, both inside and outside of work. Whether your ambition is lead a global team, become a deep scientific or technical expert, work in-house with our customers or gain experience in a variety of different ICON functions, we will support you in realising your full potential. See all locations Learn more about Our Culture at ICON
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